Sick Day Sports Club

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Intro to Adventure Racing: 3 Hour Guided Training Race

If you've ever thought about trying out Adventure Racing but the format seems daunting, this event is a gentle introduction to what can be a very intense sport. We'll talk briefly about mandatory and suggested gear, clothing, food+water, transition areas and the concept of orienteering (map and compass navigation.) After the short primer on the sport, our team will take on a roughly 3 hour course consisting of mountain biking, trekking and paddling. Our team will need to pick a leader and a navigator to tackle the virtual course I have set up. I will provide as much assistance as you need to successfully simulate a short adventure race. With a relatively short time commitment of 3-4 hours, you can get a real taste of adventure racing before committing a 24 hour race or a nine day expedition.


  • Skill (optional)Beginner
  • Intensity (optional)Moderate
  • Max. group size (optional)4
  • Setting (optional)In person
  • Format (optional)Recreation


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